Amyl Guard – Brand New & Unique Weightloss Carb Blocker!

Product Name: Amyl Guard – Brand New & Unique Weightloss Carb Blocker!

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Hidden on an ancient Japanese Island…

That was almost completely destroyed by fire fights in World War II…

Is a strange “tropical vegetable”…

That’s now being praised by modern day researchers…

As a weight loss secret of the world’s fittest, skinniest, and longest living people in the world.

On this island you’ll find a community of great grandparents who are more than 100 years old…

With lean and toned bodies that rival a healthy 40-year old in the United States.

It’s an amazing sight to see…

And corporate diet industry giants are spending millions of dollars in an attempt to uncover exactly why these centenarians have zero struggle keeping thin…

Despite eating heavy carbohydrate foods like rice, potatoes and pasta with every single meal of the day including breakfast with seemingly no restrictions on portions.

Some American scientists thought the secret was simply ,great genetics…

Others thought it was high activity levels… or living on a remote island across the globe with less pollution and maybe less stress…

However the latest research from some of the world’s top Universities have put an end to the debate…

After recently finding how a mysterious vegetable that’s been consumed by the natives on this island for centuries…

And commonly used by a small cult of Traditional Chinese herbalists…

Could be a carb-flushing loophole that literally tells your body to…

So you can eat just about any of your favorite carbs and sweets WITHOUT the guilt or consequences on the scale the next day.

Some of the world’s head scientists are completely baffled by this new discovery…

But it was this vegetable that helped me unintentionally lose 31 lbs of heavy ugly belly fat…

So I will forever sing its praises and I know you will too after watching this short video.

Because minutes from now you’ll discover exactly how this strange weight loss vegetable can help you shrink your waistline and tighten your belly, underarms, even your face and neck FAST…

Regardless of your age or current shape…

Or how long you’ve been battling your weight on the scale… or the number on the tag of your jeans…

So lean in and watch every second…

Because if you hit a certain age like I did… where it feels like no matter what you do you’re always slowly gaining weight…

Or you’re at a tug of war on the scale…

Gaining and losing the same 10 lbs over and over again…

And you’re uncomfortable in your body… and you feel like you’re working so hard for nothing in the “appearance department” and your health is running away from you…

Then don’t miss out on what I’m about to share…

Because minutes from now you’ll discover exactly what this strange tropical vegetable is…

How easy it is to get your hands on it…

And how it’s finally possible to…

And enjoy a younger metabolism…

That’s way more forgiving when you drink your nightly glasses of wine or splurge on chocolate…

And doesn’t cause your jeans to fit snugger… or your tops to get any tighter after a weekend of pizza, pasta, pancakes, or whatever other carbs you love. Listen…

I know that might sound absolutely crazy right now…

Especially if you’ve started doing more exercise recently…

Or you’re drinking more water and counting your calories…

And the scale isn’t budging…

You’re not firming-up those embarrassing areas around your legs, butt, and stomach fast enough…

And your clothes don’t fit any looser…

Because you’ll find exactly why you’ve hit a glass ceiling with your weight loss…

That’s been preventing you from getting down to the size you deserve for all the effort you’re putting in…

And how starting right now…

With the simple yet extraordinary breakthrough I’ll share today…

Watch the number on the tape measure get smaller as you cinch it around a flatter tighter belly…

And finally begin living the dream life that’s been “on hold” all this time until the weight came off.

But I’ll warn you…

It’s crucial that you stay locked in right now…

Because in my opinion… I’m not even sure how much longer this special presentation will be available. See…

This unique body-slimming gamechanger has powerful weight loss industry executives and big pharma lobbyists red-faced with fumes blowing out their ears…

Because they can’t make any money off this tropical vegetable from Mother Nature.

And if there’s no money in it for them…

And that includes shutting this website down. They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again…

In fact the powers that be have wasted no time and have already BANNED certain weight loss nutrients commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine from entering America…

Despite the ingredients being used safely on the other side of the world…

So I wouldn’t be surprised if this powerful weight loss discovery is next on their list…

Because it’s super effective…

And may totally disrupt the need for extreme diets and expensive supplements…

So if you’re desperate to finally lose the weight and slip back into your skinny jeans…

Or just fit better in your clothes… have more options when you go to the mall… and feel morehealthy, energized, and happy with the person reflecting back at you in the mirror…

Don’t risk missing out on this valuable information. Now…

I know you’re excited…

Because moments from now you’re going to speed along your weight loss and fit in your goal jeans even faster…

But before I share this little-known vegetable… and how it can help you achieve the rapid results you desire and deserve…

Let me quickly share who I am…

And the incredible struggle that caused me to stumble on this exciting new breakthrough.

I’m NOT a doctor…

I’m NOT a health guru…

I’m just a regular guy who’s world was completely flipped upside-down at a former doctor’s visit.

It was a surprising wake up call that scared the daylights out of me…

I remember heading home and pulling into the driveway to see my beautiful wife waiting for me on the porch swing…

And as much as I wanted to be strong for her I couldn’t keep my eyes from welling up with tears. I think I loved her more in that moment than ever before. And regretted all the times I took our relationship for granted.

She was the strong one through this whole thing…

Because as I repeated the doctor’s words… and spilled my guts about how scared I was… how I was terrified that my time with her and our kids was racing to a close…

She looked me in the eyes and said with all the confidence in the world, “You can do this.”

And it’s those words that rang in my head like church bells on a bright Sunday morning… and kept me going on what I can only describe as the hardest-fought, exhausting battle of my life…

That led me to discover a strange vegetable from an island off the coast of mainland Japan…

And helped me unintentionally shed 31 lbs of heavy, ugly belly fat…

When for the longest time… losing weight was a major struggle.

Heck, just maintaining my weight was hard enough. I remember going from 165… to 175… to 185… until I hit an all time personal high of a whopping 198 lbs before the doctor’s appointment that changed my life…

And maybe you’ve been in the same position where it feels like putting on extra pounds after a certain age can feel unstoppable…

Like a “weight train” barrelling down the tracks and you’re the helpless victim standing in the way.

But that can all change today. Because surprisingly…

And I know it’s going to do the same for you… especially there’s at least 10 pounds standing in the way of what you’d like to see in the mirror.

It won’t matter if…

After turning a certain age you’ve noticed that it really DOES get harder to lose weight…

Your body is less forgiving to wine and sweets as you’d like it to be. You’ve developed a dreaded belly pouch. Weight sits in your arms and legs like never before…

And even when you workout super religiously…

And give yourself zero room for error in your diet…

Weight loss happens at a snail’s pace…

When before it would come off almost on command.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve had a long history of battling your weight since you were a teenager…

Or if you used to be the “skinny” one in your family but midlife has brought 20 lbs of unwelcomed pudginess with it…

Or if the recent lockdowns were bad news for your waistline…

Because what I’m about to share will…

Without becoming a die-hard health nut… jumping on the workout wagon… or eating a ton of protein.

Don’t get me wrong. All that is great. But it’s not required.

I promise I won’t keep you in suspense much longer… and I’ll spill the beans on exactly what this mysterious Japanese vegetable is in a few moments…

But like I said— I went through the darkest valley of my life before I found it… and I think it’s important to share that with you too… because it’ll make you all the more confident that this really works.

So where did I leave off…

My wife was my rock through all this. And after she lifted my spirits and assured me that I could turn my life around and that it wasn’t too late…

I dug into mountains of research because I wanted to make her proud.

And let me tell you…

I hadn’t pulled that many all-nighters since my college days when I had to cram for final exams. But this was the most important test of my life. And my future… our future… depended on it.

So I dove head first into the research… and got all the answers you’d expect.

Lose weight. Slash your portions in half. Cut out processed sugar and your favorite carbohydrates. Eat more fruits, greens and chicken breast.

I have to admit I was pretty discouraged. I mean— I wasn’t looking for some magic solution or anything like that. But like I said before…

But because there was so much at stake… I decided I was going to get more extreme about diet and exercise than ever before… and became a full blown religious health nut.

So I started training like a madman in the morning…

But with all the extra weight I was carrying around…

Those 30-minutes of exercise really drained me for the rest of the day. I was foggy at work. Wanted to crawl under my desk and take a nap. My body hurt all the time.

On top of that I cut my meal portions way back.

I even stopped eating breakfast some mornings.

And when I did eat… my plate was full of fish and chicken breast. Fruits and vegetables. Nuts and seeds. I drank tons of water too. But the scale hardly budged. My clothes weren’t fitting any better either.

And in the back of my head there was always this tug of war between making memories with my kids, eating junk food with them and being the “fun” dad that I’ve always been…

And then being quickly reminded that my window of luxury to just eat, drink, and be merry was closing fast and it was always so mentally draining…

It would hit me especially hard on Friday nights.

Friday night was our family game night. For years we made it a tradition that we would order pizza, play games, and just enjoy each others’ company.

But since trying to clean up my diet—

And one night I snapped at my 6-year old son because he made a harmless joke about how good the pizza was… and that I couldn’t have any. It was the lowest I’d ever sunk as a parent.

And I know it’s no excuse…

But I couldn’t help but shake my fist to the heavens and ask…

Why can’t I just eat like a normal person and lose weight?

Why am I putting in all of this effort if nothing’s gonna change?

After I apologized to my son for freaking out at him, I cracked the whip even harder on my diet and exercise.

I wanted to rip all this weight off like a bandaid so I could start LIVING again.

And even though I felt a little bit better… I moved better… and there was some firming-up in my arms and neck going on…

After two months of dieting and exercising harder than ever before…

I’d only lost 5 lbs!

I didn’t have time to lose just 5 lbs in two months!

My body was like a ticking time bomb!

Normally I would’ve just given up and accepted my expanding waistline and climbing weight gain…

But I couldn’t…

And I hated my body because of it.

It’s like it turned on me…

Like it wanted me to be a big fat-so…

I felt stuck and hopeless. Trapped in my flabby body.

But that’s when it hit me…

If cleaning up my diet. Eating fruits and vegetables and protein. And exercising religiously… weren’t doing the trick…

And that’s when I buckled down on more research and stumbled across what was REALLY going on with my stubborn weight loss…

And discovered something taking place deep within the cells…

That’s likely the reason the weight has crept up on you after turning a certain age…

Or you’ve gained and lost the same frustrating 10 lbs over and over and can’t break through…

Or you can lose a little bit of weight but after a few pounds the scale refuses to budge.

The solution to your body fat and weight loss troubles has to do with the specific enzymes that break down carbohydrates after you eat them.

When you eat carbs the food goes into your throat and down into your stomach…

When those carbs reach your stomach they’re met by a certain enzyme called, amylase, that you can think of like a paper shredder.

When carbs go into those amylase enzymes they’re shredded up and broken down into sugars.

Those sugars then get deposited as fat in your liver, around the belly, love handles, and anywhere else you’ve noticed the inches add up.

So even when you eat “healthy” carbs like fruits and oats and sweet potatoes…

That’s why you can eat a whole food, plant-based diet and the weight still doesn’t come off as fast as you think it would… if it even comes off at all…

But if you can somehow keep most of the carbs… from breaking down into sugar… whether they’re “healthy” carbs or “guilty-pleasure” carbs…

So that they just “pass” through the body instead of sticking to your body…

Then you’ll have a much easier time losing weight and keeping it off. Because as long as the carbs aren’t being broken down into sugars… those sugars won’t be stored as body fat…

Which means you won’t get fat!

It seems pretty simple, right?

But here’s the kicker…

Studies show that your body produces MORE amylase enzymes as you get older…

Which means your body churns carbs into fat-storing sugar FASTER with age…

Which is why it’s so much easier to gain weight after turning 30 than it is to lose weight.

But that’s why you should be so glad you came across this page…

Because even though you can’t stop how much amylase enzyme your body produces…

And before I share how…

Let me quickly recap what you just learned…

So when you eat carbs… they don’t get broken down into fat-storing sugars that cause clinging, stubborn body fat?

So I did some research and came across a certain protein that’s like Mother Nature’s buried treasure for anyone who feels like their weight loss isn’t “working” like it used to…

And the scales aren’t budging… the pant sizes aren’t dropping… despite doing the same kind of diet and exercise that gave you results in the past.

This protein is called an amylase inhibitor…

And it “powers off” a majority of amylase enzymes in the body…

Even shutting down up to 97% of this fat-storing sugar enzyme in one study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology.

Eating steamy Italian pasta dishes… warm, baked bread… homemade cherry pie… and all of your other favorite carbs… without most of those carbs being broken down into fat-storing sugars or being absorbed in your body…

And instead those carbs basically go in one end and out the other. Or in other words…

And listen— I know that may sound a little far fetched. And I was absolutely stunned to learn about it too…

But this isn’t wishful thinking or an exaggerated truth…

I was shocked to find there are actually tons of university backed studies that support the powerful, carb-blocking effects of amylase inhibitors…

And how it can reverse years… maybe even decades… of guilt, shame, and battling between the same 20 lbs year after year like some programmed robot…

And in just days from now you can stand in amazing triumph in front of the mirror stunned by your own weight loss… feeling comfortable… beautiful… even sexy in your own skin.

No more looking at the scale as a gadget designed from the pit of hell to make you feel like crap and ruin your day…

Counting every calorie and feeling guilty for every slice of gooey chocolate lava cake or deep dish pizza…

Or using the little energy that you have to run yourself ragged at the gym and then feel tired and achy the rest of the day. Because…

In one study from UCLA School of Medicine, 27 subjects were split into two groups…

One group was given a placebo and the other was given an amylase inhibitor.

And after 8-weeks the subjects given the amylase inhibitor lost 127% more weight than the placebo group.

And what’s even more shocking is…

Which sounds absolutely crazy…

But it’s such a relief for carb-lovers like me…

Because not only do amylase inhibitors give me permission to eat the carbs I want guilt-free… but I may actually see better weight loss results when I do…

And who ever would’ve thought that eating mouth-watering, guilty-pleasure carbs would actually HELP you lose weight?

And I’ll show you exactly how to unlock this simple, body-slimming protein in just a minute. And better yet…

It won’t just help you lose weight…

A study from the Practice For General Medicine in Berlin, Germany, discovered folks who were given an amylase inhibitor lost up to 89% more weight than the placebo group… and 73% of those subjects were able to maintain their weight loss without having to make any dietary restrictions.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There are dozens of studies showing a direct connection between amylase inhibitors… fat loss… shrinking waistlines… increased satisfaction after meals… and decreased feelings of hunger.

So after learning about amylase inhibitors and how they prevent carbs from being broken down and stored as body fat…

I went a step further…

Searched for some way to tap into the power of amylase inhibitors… and that’s when I stumbled across a tropical vegetable…

That’s a staple food among the happiest, thinnest and longest living people in the world living off the coast of mainland Japan…

Because it’s the most popular food among this people group… consumed raw… in tea… in soup… and has been credited with keeping these people healthy and fit into their 80s… 90s… even past 100 years old.

This mysterious vegetable is called bitter melon…

And it’s this vegetable along with a handful of other ingredients… some of which were sitting in my kitchen… that I’ll tell you about in just a minute…

That helped me lose 31 lbs of belly fat in record time… and get into amazing shape with more outgoing confidence than I’ve ever had as an adult.

One in-vitro study published in the journal, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found bitter melon was able to inhibit fat-storing sugar enzymes up to 69%…

Making it possible to eat more of the carbohydrates you love without having to worry about the consequences so much…

And another study published in Nutrition Journal found women who supplemented with bitter melon extract reduced their waistlines significantly compared to the placebo group.

Bitter melon is one of the best amylase inhibitors found in nature…

Not just because it helps prevent carbs from turning into fat-storing sugars…

But also because it supports healthy blood sugar levels.

You see— when carbs turn into sugar in the body, it causes your blood sugar levels to rise…

That’s obvious…

But it’s also a BIG problem if someone’s trying to lose weight…

Because when blood sugar levels rise… it produces a hormone called insulin with it. And…

Insulin actually opens up fat cells… and when that happens, sugar enters those cells and stores there… causing sticky, stubborn body fat..

You can keep all that in check by stopping amylase enzymes from breaking down carbohydrates into sugar that’s stored as fat.

And that’s exactly what bitter melon does…

Which explains why a study from Louisiana State University discovered bitter melon significantly supported blood sugar levels and insulin… and made it easier for subjects to burn fat and keep it off.

So after I discovered that bitter melon is a powerful amylase inhibitor that effectively blocks carbs from turning into fat-storing sugar…

I spent days… yes it literally took me days… tracking down this mysterious vegetable that’s almost unheard of here in the United States.

And just when I thought I was out of luck… I found it at a random, run-down “Hong Kong Style Market” an hour from where I live while I was traveling to a business meeting.

So I stocked my basket full of them because I didn’t want to make an hour drive every few days to get more bitter melon…

I made it a daily ritual that every morning I would eat bitter melon in combination with the three other ingredients that I’ll go into more detail about in a minute… that have also been shown to block amylase from breaking down carbs into fat-storing sugar.

Now I learned the hard way…

They don’t call it “bitter” melon for nothing.

Trying to eat bitter melon raw is very pungent.

And that’s when I learned the folks in Okinawa who eat bitter melon every day, cook it before they eat it to get rid of some of the harsh flavor.

So I started doing that too…

And after a week… I saw a few small changes to my body and energy. But nothing like what I was hoping to see…

Because I didn’t ONLY eat carbs in the morning.

I ate them at lunch…

Sometimes even right before bed…

So if I wanted to see real body-changing fat loss…

I needed to take these ingredients any time I ate a moderate or high carb meal… or dessert… or snack.

By the end of the week I was only down to one, single bitter melon…

And driving an hour away to get twenty-something bitter melons just to last me seven more days at most… because now I’d be eating one before every meal… just wasn’t practical.

Plus— it’s not like I could drop everything and cook bitter melon whenever I wanted to get rid of the nasty taste.

All that to say— it didn’t take me long to figure out it would be impossible to keep this up. I needed an easier way to get these key ingredients into my body before every meal…

So I looked to see if I could find them in supplement form. And I’ll admit…

I spent a pretty penny on all the ingredients…

Because there’s a much, MUCH easier way that I’ll tell you about in just a moment.

But I have to admit…

After just a few days the scale started spinning backwards… my face was a bit thinner… and my clothes had more breathing room. So I was thrilled about that…

But I really got excited between 14 and 21 days of using these ingredients…

Because by then it was like someone had pushed a biological weight loss button inside of me..

My wife was constantly showering me with compliments about how great I looked and how proud she was of me. My kids were always commenting on how “daddy is getting into shape”… and after I blasted through my original 25 lb weight loss goal… we went out to dinner to celebrate…

I ate what I wanted… maybe even a little too much… but instead of sprouting another inch to my love handles or feeling gross and bloated the next day…

I actually woke up slimmer!

I mean it was only a quarter of a pound slimmer… but after indulging on as much lasagna and chocolate cake as I did the night before… I’ll take losing a quarter pound over gaining any day!

After dinner we went out shopping together to get me some new clothes… and it wasn’t this soul-destroying endeavor like it used to be…

And boy did I feel a lot more confident when I looked in the dressing room mirror.

Instead of having this big, protruding belly busting at the seams of my shirt… The clothes flattered my body.

I looked pretty sharp… which is something I hadn’t felt in a long time.

And this may sound a little odd…

But I just felt like I took up less space.

See— I was always embarrassed and apologetic when I’d have to scoot past someone in an aisle or squeeze between chairs at a restaurant… like I was invading someone else’s space because of my size…

But that wasn’t an issue any more. I was just a regular guy who didn’t take up half the aisle in the grocery store… or need someone to scoot in their chair so I could pass by at the dinner table. And that felt great.

And if I can be a little vulnerable with you…

I didn’t realize how low my self-esteem was until I lost the weight…

Because my confidence got a big boost with every pound lost after that first 25 lbs.

It made me less anxious in social situations…

I didn’t have to worry about what angle a picture was taken to hide my double chin…

I didn’t have to consider how much walking would be involved when my wife wanted to take the kids to the zoo…

And hey, my wife and I now keep the lights on in the bedroom because I’m not so self-conscious about my body anymore.

Plus with all the weight loss, I had a ton of newfound energy that helped me get more active.

I even started working out.

And it was shocking to me how much easier it was to lift weights and go for a run after the weight started coming off. I was in much less pain. I wasn’t crawling to the couch for a nap after. I actually started to enjoy exercise.

Which is pretty interesting. I mean, so many people believe they have to start working out and do a complete diet overhaul to motivate themselves to lose weight…

And the opposite is actually true…

At least for me it was…

Because what I found is that with the help of these specific ingredients… I was able to lose a bunch of weight FIRST… and that motivated me, and gave me the energy to be able to workout like I want to and not feel so self-conscious at the gym… or like I’m some fat blob that everyone is staring at in the weight room.

Plus, with the extra weight gone I got out of breath a lot less easier than before…

And my kids loved that…

Because it meant I could run around in the backyard with them. And even though they still wear me out… I’m just happy I’m not dripping sweat and huffing and puffing the whole time…

And can actually enjoy the moment without thinking I’m about to keel over.

And that’s not even the best part of the story…

Because I looked so drastically different that when I went in for a checkup with the same doctor and…

He lit up with a smile when he realized it was really me…

The same guy who just a couple of months before was the heaviest he’d ever been and terrified for his health.

“John… you look incredible!”

“What have you been doing to get in such great shape?”

I told him everything I told you…

About how I tried diet and exercise but it wasn’t working fast enough. And only left me frustrated… snapping at my family… and feeling depressed like nothing could fix my weight…

And how that led me to discover a group of ingredients that inhibit amylase and insulin release to make my weight loss easy.

It was such a simple tweak to my lifestyle… that in a way…

It made me thankful for everything I went through…

Because if that had never happened…

And what happened next is something that I never in a million years would’ve dreamt up…

Because after witnessing my life-changing weight loss transformation…

My friends and family wanted to know what my secret was too…

Because they weren’t only shocked by how quickly I lost 31 lbs…

But they were left scratching their heads because I was still eating warm, soft dinner rolls slathered in butter at family get-togethers… two helpings of my wife’s cheesy mashed potatoes… I was eating hamburgers with the buns and burritos with a double-wrapped tortilla…

I was enjoying myself just like everyone else…

So they started taking bitter melon and the three other ingredients too…

And before long they were sending me pictures of their own weight loss… how much more room they had in their jeans… even bags of “fat clothes” they were donating to the Goodwill because they were too baggy to wear anymore.

And whenever we’d get together they’d pester me to no end. And say… “John, you need to get this out to the world.”

So after enough arm-twisting… I decided to go for it…

And went through a long pain-staking process of learning how supplements are made… sat on the phone with manufacturers to get these powerful ingredients into one, simple capsule… negotiated to get the price as low as possible without sacrificing quality…

And after many sleepless nights and lots of wheeling and dealing… I’m proud to bring you…

Amyl Guard is a powerful weight loss and blood sugar support formula that uses powerful amylase inhibitors found in nature to stop carbs from turning into fat-storing sugars and sticking to the body in the form of ugly, stubborn body fat.

The ingredients inside this formula help promote fat loss… keep the weight off… support the metabolism… and balance blood sugar so you can achieve the body and life you desire and deserve faster than expected…

While eating your favorite, mouth-watering carbs without regret or waking up a few pounds heavier the next morning.

I already told you about bitter melon extract…

And how it’s among the most potent amylase inhibitors in the world…

But bitter melon wasn’t the only ingredient that helped make my transformation happen…

There’s another ingredient that’s been praised by television doctor, Dr. Oz, as the next best amylase inhibitor… called white kidney bean extract.

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition… which was a review of six clinical trials of white kidney bean extract on weight loss… found folks taking this extract had a significant reduction in body fat compared to the placebo group…

In one of these studies subjects were given either a white kidney bean extract or placebo to eat before two meals each day…

And the folks taking white kidney bean extract lost up to 14.8 lbs while the placebo group gained up to 7 lbs by the end of the 12-week study.

In another study, subjects were split into two groups in the same way…

Except this time half the subjects received white kidney bean extract in combination with another ingredient inside our Amyl Guard formula that I’ll tell you about in a second.

After just two weeks, the white kidney bean group had a significant reduction in body weight… fat mass… and waist, hip and thigh circumference…

That’s amazing isn’t it?

The other ingredient that made that transformation possible with white kidney bean extract was chromium picolinate…

Which is the next ingredient we added to Amyl guard to make it as powerfully helpful as possible.

And here’s why it’s so important to our formula…

Remember how I said one of the keys to staying in fat loss mode is to keep your blood sugar levels from spiking… because blood sugar spikes release the fat-storing hormone insulin?

Well chromium picolinate is a rare mineral that’s been shown in several studies to do just that.

It’s one of the safest and nutrients one can use to support healthy blood sugar.

In a review of 22 studies, chromium picolinate was shown to significantly support blood sugar control…

And in another study from the University of Vermont folks who supplemented with chromium picolinate had significant weight loss and reduction in belly fat compared to the placebo group.

And last but not least…

We added an ingredient called berberine… that doesn’t only support blood sugar levels to help prevent insulin from spiking…

But it also supports the metabolic master switch in your body to support consistent weight loss…

And as an added bonus…

It also inhibits the growth of new fat cells at the molecular level.

Best of all— using our Amyl Guard formula to help stop amylase from breaking carbs down into fat-storing sugars is really easy.

All you have to do is take one serving of Amyl Guard 15-minutes before a moderate or high carb meal…

And these ingredients will go to work “shutting off” amylase enzymes so you can eat your favorite carbs guilt-free… without them getting absorbed as body fat.

Don’t think this gives you the “green light” to pigout on whatever you want…

Like eating donuts and chips and then take a pill to make it go away…

After all… being healthy is about so much more than a number on a scale or a tag on the back of your jeans…

However— you live in the real world…

So you already know you can have the best of intentions and the next thing you know you’re standing in front of the carbs.

And that’s why it’s so important to have these powerful ingredients on your side… helping to prevent those carbs from breaking down into fat-storing sugars.

So again… it’s very simple.

Just take one serving of Amyl Guard 15-minutes before that warm, gooey slice of chocolate cake… a plate of homemade lasagna… a refreshing fruit salad… or any other moderate or high carb meal or snack… and these ingredients will go to work right away.

So if that sounds like something you could use…

You need to act fast…

Because like I said earlier, bitter melon is very rare…

So we’re lucky just to have the bottles in our warehouse that we do right now…

And once we run out of supply…

And without the bitter melon ingredient, the whole formula falls apart…

And that’s not the only reason you should hurry and claim your bottles…

Because like I mentioned earlier…

I know for a fact Amyl Guard is going to have powerful weight loss industry executives and big pharma lobbyists red-faced with fumes blowing out their ears in my opinion…

Because natural weight loss formulas like this one drive them nuts…

Because it puts a huge dent in their profits… and it keeps folks from buying into all the pharmaceutical baloney that’s out there…

They’ll do whatever it takes to keep your hands off a natural supplement that’ll fix your weight troubles…

Because they want to keep you in a web of weight struggles for as long as they can… so you never escape the “system”… and stay their own personal lifelong cash cow.

In fact the FDA has already BANNED certain weight loss nutrients commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine from entering America…

Despite the ingredients being used safely in Japan…

So I wouldn’t be surprised if this helpful weight loss discovery is next on their list…

And I’d hate for you to find out the hard way by coming back to this page at a later time… only to find it’s been taken down without us knowing.

So if I were you, I wouldn’t wait another moment. Because…

And if I can be candid for a moment…

I don’t know why you’d wait another second to take advantage of this life changing opportunity right now to stock up and save big on your supply of Amyl Guard.

I’m living proof this stuff works…

It helped me lose 31 lbs of heavy, ugly belly fat and finally keep it off for good… and now I’m loving how my clothes fit… feel great when I see myself in the mirror… and my energy and outlook on life is just so much more positive.

Amyl Guard has changed my life and I’m confident it will do the same for you when you order your supply today while we’re still in stock.

And to make your decision as easy as possible…

Which I’m excited to do…

Because this isn’t about money for me.

I know how frustrating it is to go on a diet and to exercise for nothing. And I know how it feels to reach a certain age and find it challenging to lose weight and keep it off.

I even know the horror of being told that my life depends on losing weight…

Yet despite my best efforts… stepping on the scale day-after-day without the needle moving…

So that’s why I’m doing this…

Because I don’t want anyone to ever feel hopeless in their weight loss journey again.

And that’s why I’m going to make it incredibly easy and affordable to get your bottles of Amyl Guard right now.

So like I said before… trying to fill your refrigerator and cabinets with bitter melon and white kidney beans just won’t do the trick… because not only are they extra calories…

But it would be very inconvenient to eat these foods along with taking a berberine and chromium picolinate supplement 2-3 times (or more) per day before moderate and high carb meals…

And I know because I tried it…

And even then you need to worry about whether you get those ingredients in their correct scientifically-proven dosages.

So why put yourself through any of that when I’ve gone above and beyond to make it as easy, pain-free and as affordable as possible to get your hands on all the ingredients inside Amyl Guard?

Listen— with a formula like this…

But listen closely because…

So if you consider yourself a smart and savvy shopper…

And want to watch the pounds and inches melt away for longer… while enjoying more of your favorite carbs guilt-free…

Choose the 3 or 6 bottle option of Amyl Guard today.

But before I get to the amazing discount you’ll get when you stock up on more bottles today… here’s why it’s very, very important that you do so.

See— Amyl Guard is NOT an ordinary one-a-day supplement.

In order to lose the weight you want while eating delicious carbohydrates… you need to take one serving of Amyl Guard before each moderate or high carb meal or snack.

So there are going to be days when you use Amyl Guard twice… three… maybe even four times…

And for that reason… you’re going to fly through that first bottle of Amyl Guard.

So it would be very wise to stock up. Plus…

I currently have several bottles of Amyl Guard opened and in-use.

I keep one bottle at home for when my wife cooks her delicious cheesy mashed potatoes and garlic bread with dinner… or for family game nights so I can have some gooey cheese pizza with my kiddos.

I also keep one bottle of Amyl Guard stashed in a drawer at my work desk. This way if one of my colleagues brings in a plate of home-baked chocolate chip cookies… or we decide to celebrate a birthday with a thick, scrumptious buttercream cake… I have a supply of Amyl Guard there too… and I can just take one serving before I indulge and it’ll lessen the damage so to speak…

I also keep one bottle of Amyl Guard in my car. This way if my wife and I go out for a date… or we’re taking a family road trip and I want a little bit of gas station trail mix for the ride… I’m all set with this powerful amylase blocking formula there too.

So for those reasons I want to encourage you to stock up, save big and see even better results from your supply of Amyl Guard.

All the studies we looked at earlier…

They all lasted between 4-16 weeks…

You will not make it 4 weeks with one bottle if you’re a carb lover…

So if you want to see the very best, life-changing fat-loss results you’re going to want to stock up on either 3 or 6 bottles of Amyl Guard today.

So with all that said, let me tell you about all the money you’ll save.

When you make the great decision to stock up on 3 bottles of Amyl Guard today…

And when you make the BEST decision and claim 6 bottles of Amyl Guard today… and get the kind of results that have folks saying, “Wow! What an amazing transformation!”… like what happened to me…

Then I recommend stocking up on 6 bottles of Amyl Guard right now while we’re still in stock and save even bigger.

When you stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of Amyl Guard today…

I’ll also give you FREE shipping on your order. Which is something you won’t get on the 1-bottle option…

So let me tell you how to do that.

To order your supply of Amyl Guard right now and start on an easier journey to fat loss… help your body absorb less fat-storing sugars… and to be the most confident in your body that you’ve been in your adult life…

Just select the amount of bottles of Amyl Guard you’d like below…

Whether that’s the 6 bottle option… 3 bottle option… or whichever option works best for you…

Then click the “purchase now” button.

After that— fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll send your bottles of Amyl Guard to the address you provided at checkout right away…

So they arrive within 3-5 business days…

And you can strip away layers of frustrating belly fat…

And notice head-turning changes in the mirror…

While pigging-out and enjoying your favorite sweet and savory carbs.

So go ahead and click the “PURCHASE NOW” button right now and stock up on your supply while we still have bottles available and while this page is still up and running.

And just to make your decision as easy as possible… I’ve made this a completely risk-free opportunity for you…

Because when you purchase your supply of Amyl Guard I’ll back up your bottles with my…

Let me say this as clearly as I can.

Amyl Guard is going to work like gangbusters for you…

It’ll block amylase enzymes from breaking carbs down into fat-storing sugars…

Help you lose body fat and keep the weight off…

And help make weight loss easier…

As long as you order the right amount of bottles and consistently take Amyl Guard 15-minutes before every meal or snack with moderate or high carbs.

But if for any reason it doesn’t…

Send an email to my friendly customer service team…

And we’ll issue a full and prompt refund.

No questions asked. No hassles.

No need to even send back the bottles.

We created this guarantee to eliminate worry or hesitation…

And so you can try Amyl Guard risk-free and with incredible peace of mind.

But again you need to act fast because the time to secure your supply of Amyl Guard is running out.

So right now while we still have bottles at the warehouse…

And while we have this limited-time discount available…

Choose the amount of bottles you’d like us to send to you…

Then click the “PURCHASE NOW” button…

Complete the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll ship your bottles of Amyl Guard right away so they arrive at your door in 3-5 business days.

Go ahead and do that now.

So we’re getting to the close of this presentation. And…

Option #1 is to do nothing today…

Forget all the latest research about how amylase enzyme makes your favorite “clean” and “guilty-pleasure” carbohydrates bad for your belly…

And how every time you eat carbs this enzyme breaks those carbs down into fat-storing sugars that absorb into body fat…

And how your body produces more of this enzyme as you get older…

Causing the fat to add up more noticeably…

Making it challenging to lose the weight you want when you want…

And taking your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster ride…

And that if you don’t do anything to “shut off” this enzyme…

You’ll be stuck in the frustrating cycle of gaining and losing the same 20 lbs back and forth…

Watching the number on the scale go up and up despite your best efforts to “eat as close to nature as possible”… count calories… run on the treadmill for 60 minutes, 5 days a week… and cramming yoga class in before the kids get up.

Plus when you slip up on a weekend and eat like a normal person it comes back to haunt you.

You gain a couple pounds back and your belly is noticeably squishier the next morning…

And the weight you’re carrying on your arms and lower belly look heavier than ever. Your jeans fit more snug. Your tops are tighter…

Not to mention after you reach a certain age, your weight shifts around… and once it settles onto your waistline… it’s harder to get rid of. And some women spend literally 50 years or more feeling self-conscious about their belly because of it.

Your friends on their “born again” weight loss diets and exercise programs will butt-in on your weight struggles…

Especially those perky 20-something year old girls who feel like they can tell you what to do with your diet… when they have no idea how much harder it gets to lose weight after a certain age… and work so hard for no real results.

And worst of all… every day is the same struggle.

Wake up… feel upset at your body when you look in the mirror…

Eat what you think you should, instead of what you want. And feel guilty whenever you “give in” and eat something you actually enjoy…

Okay— stop everything.

No one should have to suffer through life like this.

And it breaks my heart that you’re going through it right now.

But that’s why I’m so happy you’re still watching this presentation…

Because you don’t have to go down this road that so many women travel down just because they think there’s no other way.

You get one life. And I want to help you get what you want…

Whether it’s losing those final 10 lbs and keeping them off… eating your favorite carbs without worrying about your waistline so much… being confident and in love with your body… or if it’s all that and more…

Option #2 is to claim your bottles of Amyl Guard right now while we’re still in stock for this incredible discount…

And help “shut off” the enzymes that turn carbs into fat-storing sugars…

So they basically just pass through the body… and you can eat your favorite carbs and comfort foods without most of it being stored as body fat…

And watch with giddy excitement as the weight falls off…

The scale spins in reverse…

You fit comfortably in your goal jeans…

And maybe even start over with a whole new wardrobe.

You’ll feel like Superwoman…

Because even though you’re busy being super-mom, super-wife and super-career woman… you make weight loss look so easy and have plenty of fun while doing it…

Because you aren’t bogged down by crazy restrictive diets or fasting or chained to a treadmill…

And instead you’re looking leaner… sexier… and fit simply by taking one serving of Amyl Guard before every moderate or high carb meal… to prevent fat from absorbing on your tummy, love handles, arms and all those other problem areas.

You’ll spring out of bed like a kid on Christmas morning because you’re excited to see how much slimmer you look in the mirror.

You don’t get nervous when you step on the scale anymore. And instead you get excited butterflies in your stomach because you know the weight is going to drop…

Not to mention as the weight vanishes you’ll look noticeably younger… maybe even 10-15 years younger than you do right now… and you’ll start to feel more energized because of it.

When you go shopping to update your wardrobe you’ll have so many more options to choose from. Plus…

Like take a vacation to a gorgeous paradise island resort and actually show some skin instead of feeling like you want to cover up…

Try a new hobby like dancing, rock climbing or hiking… or go sightseeing in another country without worrying that you’ll slow everyone else down.

You can even get out there in the dating scene if that’s your thing… or go out on more dates with your spouse…

Whatever dream you’ve put on pause… beginning just days from now with your very first serving of Amyl Guard…

You’ll likely feel more free to enjoy life while having more success losing weight…

I mean, I feel ALIVE again…

No longer a victim of age-related weight gain… but in CONTROL. Losing weight how I want. And because of that my attitude and outlook on life has been renewed.

And I know you’ll feel the same way when you give Amyl Guard a chance today.

So with all of these incredible changes on the horizon, it’s easy to see why I’m so passionate about getting Amyl Guard into the hands of as many people as possible…

So here’s what I say… Don’t wait.

We’re nearing the end of this presentation…

So take action right now and have the same experience or an even better one with the help of this weight support formula.

You need to hurry and claim your bottles of Amyl Guard while we’re still in stock and while this page is still up and running.

So go ahead and do that now…

Select the amount of bottles of Amyl Guard you’d like below…

Whether that’s the 6 bottle option… 3 bottle option… or whichever option works best for you…

Click the “PURCHASE NOW” button.

Fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll send your bottles of Amyl Guard to the address you provided at checkout right away…

So they arrive within 3-5 business days…

And you can drop the weight while eating foods you love.

Thank you for watching this presentation and I can’t wait to hear about how Amyl Guard changes your life.

I know we covered a lot of new information today…

So for the next few moments I’m going to address the most common questions about Amyl Guard to help make the decision to stock up and save on our limited supply very easy…

Based on our research, it is best to take Amyl Guard consistently for at least 90-180 days to get the best results. This is to ensure that you reach your target weight and maintain it. We strongly recommend you to take advantage of our 3-bottle or 6-bottle discount packages. Amyl Guard isn’t your average supplement. You will go through one bottle faster than you think since you have to take it before every moderate or high carb meal. We can only guarantee this special pricing today or until our supplies last and we are selling out our current stock faster than anyone could have ever imagined. We also guarantee that you won’t be able to buy Amyl Guard cheaper than its current discounted price today! – so it’s time to stock up and lose weight the smart way!

Amyl Guard is 100% natural, and effective! Thousands of people have enjoyed its benefits and continue to use it because there have been absolutely zero side effects reported. Every capsule is manufactured here in the USA in our state of the art FDA approved GMP (good manufacturing practices) certified facility under the most sterile, strict, and precise standards. Amyl Guard is 100%, natural, vegetarian, and non-GMO. For those with medical conditions, it is recommended to consult your doctor first.

To put it simply… Yes, it will work for you! There is nothing like Amyl Guard out there. This is the first-ever supplement that is formulated with nature’s best ‘amylase inhibitor.’ Amylase is an enzyme in the body that breaks down carbs into fat-storing sugars. As you get older, this particular enzyme multiplies which leads to weight gain and makes it hard to lose stubborn fat. The ‘amylase inhibitor’ ingredient is combined with other special nutrients to create a formula that helps promote weight loss, keep the weight off, regulate your metabolism, and balance your blood sugar levels.

It’s really easy. Just take one capsule of Amyl Guard 15 minutes before moderate and high carb meals.

If you are in the US, after completing your order, your Amyl Guard will arrive at your door within 3-5 business days. For international orders, it will take 8-15 business days (plus customs clearance time). *COVID-19 pandemic may affect delivery times.

Absolutely not! Your purchase is a one-time payment only. There are no hidden fees or subscription charges.

We promise that you will experience profound results! We are confident with such life-changing results, unlike anything you have ever purchased. This is not just a simple promise but a guarantee that Amyl Guard will work. That is why we have a 365-day 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked. If Amyl Guard doesn’t turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made, or if you change your mind for any reason, email us anytime in the next 365 days and we’ll refund you the purchase price right away. Our team is always ready to assist you.

You will notice early weight loss results in just a few days whereas some notice results in a couple of weeks. Give time for your body to absorb and adapt to the new and effective nutrients you’re getting from Amyl Guard. Everyone’s body is unique so results may vary.

This is why we recommend that you make full use of our 365-day 100% money-back guarantee so you can have a full year to try Amyl Guard and continuously see greater results along the way.

Why not give Amyl Guard a full year of trial? During this time, you can find out whether Amyl Guard really works for you. The key is to be disciplined and consistent in taking 1 capsule 15 minutes before every moderate or high carb meal. This will give time for the Bitter Melon Extract to work right away to help block carbs from entering cells and causing fat again.

Since everyone’s body is unique, individual results may vary. You can make full use of our 365-day 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked.

One Amyl Guard bottle consists of 60 capsules. This isn’t the average supplement that you take once a day. If you want to get the most of the ingredients in the formula, you need to take 15 minutes before every moderate and high carb meal, snack, or dessert. That means you can take Amyl Guard up to four times a day depending on your lifestyle. This is why we recommend you to stock up on 3 or 6 bottles because you will finish one before you know it. When you stock up, you can keep a bottle at home, in your purse, office – basically, anywhere you may have the opportunity to indulge in carbs.

No. But taken as part of a healthy lifestyle, you will see results faster and feel better. Amyl Guard uses ingredients such as Bitter Melon Extract to help you lose weight and keep it off by blocking carbs from turning into fat-storing sugars. It also has White Kidney Bean Extract, a powerful amylase inhibitor. Amyl Guard is the perfect supplement without having to make drastic changes to your diet and without becoming a slave to time-consuming workout routines.

Your purchase is backed with a 365-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you change your mind for any reason, you may send an email for the complete return instructions.

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Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

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Click here to get Amyl Guard – Brand New & Unique Weightloss Carb Blocker! at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Amyl Guard – Brand New & Unique Weightloss Carb Blocker! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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