ShareASale Bootstrap Method – Mark Acutt's Online Marketing

Product Name: ShareASale Bootstrap Method – Mark Acutt's Online Marketing

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ShareASale Bootstrap Method – Mark Acutt's Online Marketing is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Are you tired of playing with fly-by-night products that are here today but gone tomorrow?

Have you ever considered it’s the products you’re promoting?

The thing is; online marketing works!

We see people making a killing online every day. You can see it in things like Gravity and EPC’s.

Products sell, you just gotta know which products and ‘how to’ promote them.

Take a look at some recent earnings (at time of writing) for a day’s traffic of a single merchant/vendor below (I’ll show you more later)…

As you can see the CONVERSION rate and the EPC’s are CRAZY! 

Once you get the bidding right, you’ll see some AMAZING returns!!

I’m sure you’ve heard of networks like ClickBank, JVZoo, Warrior Forum, Commission Juction (or now kown as CJ), FlexOffers, Maxbounty (CPA Network) and many others…

ShareASale is one of the OLDEST affiliate networks.

They’ve been going since 2000.

What makes ShareASale different is that they primarily focus on REAL physical products.

Products that people want. They’re searching for. Already interested in.

They also offer some of the best commissions on premium products for both end consumers and businesses.

Here’s a quick look inside at A FEW of those top converting offers:

Did you see those EPC’s (earnings per 100 clicks)?
Now we’re talking some SERIOUS earnings!

Remember; these are real products – products that aren’t ALL about:

I think you get the idea…

The main problem with these are:

So what’s the solution?…

Evergreen means that the product will have everlasting appeal. Products that are considered evergreen are things that people inherently need or desire.

ShareAsale have prodcuts like home gyms & exercise equipment, red-light therapy/treament, dental treatments and tons more from real businesses that have a prescence both online and offline.

So why aren’t there more ShareASale affiliates and why isn’t there MORE talk about them?

Yup, that’s the truth and pretty much the top and bottom of it. Plus the peeps killing it on SAS don’t really want you to know.

Who ever said making money online was easy (apart from the spammy emails in your inbox)?

By weeding out the scammy marketers they’re gaining a better ‘QUALITY‘ of affiliate.

That’s YOU! (or going to be) 😉

They don’t want every Tom, Dick & Harry joining their network, setting up things like mass mailings and sending low-quality traffic to affiliate offers skewing results and upsetting their merchants.

To be honest, I wouldn’t either!

So apart from the initial hurdle of getting accepted and approved for products – the world is your oyster as there is:

PLUS – You get to sleep better at night knowing that you’re promoting decent products!

I’m going to SHOW you exactly how to do it yourself! In DETAIL step-by-step.

NO BS. NO Upsells. NO ‘pay me more money to reveal the ‘hidden secret’.

In fact, here’s the COMPLETE system you’re going to learn about. 

Each section (aka Chapter) is shown and discussed in detail with many having VIDEO snippets taken from within my ShareASale & Google Ads accounts to help you understand.

Most only tell you to bid on keywords and send traffic to your landing page and ‘hopefully’ those visitors will convert into buyers.

Well, that’s all fine and dandy and you can actually make money with certain products doing this, but it’s not ‘optimal’.

That’s pretty good – right?

You’re doubling your money!

But let’s say you now KNOW what keywords are generating those sales…

So you scrap the non-performing keywords and keep the few keywords that ARE generating sales (you could even raise their bids a bit more to get more of the ‘ad share’).

Well, in the SAS Bootstrap Method I dedicate an entire chapter to this.

But don’t stress, I’ve tried to make it as easy/simple as possible!

Once it’s set up; every time you make a sale using Google Ads for traffic and ShareASale you’ll get the ‘conversion reporting’ straight back into your Google Ads account so you can see exactly what’s made that sale.

Google can also optimize the campaign based on your conversions and show your ads to the most likely audience to convert (this is an incredible advantage!).

I also SHOW you step-by-step ‘how to setup’ every other important element needed for a successful campaign.

One of them being setting up your Google Ads account and ADS correctly.

Plus I discuss all the additional features like assets.

You can use these to IMPROVE your CTR and also lower your ad spend (accompanied by video snippets to help you ‘see’ how to do it).

You’ll also find out when and where to use these assests and how to decide what to keep and what to bin.

You’ll see how to check/show your Quality Score (QS) and how to improve it. What Google are ‘looking for’ when it comes to your keywords, ads and landing page.

What hidden columns of information are important when reviewing your ad stats and how to show them.

Even if you don’t use ShareASale the information in here is GOLD as it can be applied to ANY ad network!

You’ll get to see how to set up heatmaps and visitor video recordings for FREE. Yes, a free plan is suffcient when you’re starting out.

Along with how I make ‘decisions’ on how to optimize the landing page based on what I find.

I show you how to set this up and how to get the best information out of the recorded visitors/heatmaps.

These sections alone are 62 pages of content and video! 

Which brings me to the REAL meat…

Anyone that knows me and my previous products they’ll know I ONLY produce quality.

I haven’t actually released a product in over 10 years!

The SAS Bootstrap Method has actually taken me over a year to complete for 3 reasons:

Which brings me on to what REALLY makes The SAS Bootstrap Method DIFFERENT from any other affiliate training…

Ok, it’s not live as it’s done already – but I did it LIVE whilst creating the training and show ALL results.

As you may have already noticed above I ran a Google Ads campaign and promoted a product as a ‘test’ to see if it would make any sales.

It’s not even a product I would usually run myself as it didn’t have a high enough commission payout.

Honestly; I didn’t even expect it to make any money.

It made a good POSITIVE RETURN and if I wanted to contiune promoting it I could easily double/triple my money.

Thing is; I only ran it to SHOW YOU how to run a campaign from start to finish – with everything I teach in the SAS Bootstrap Method implemented.

Be WARNED! – This is a MASSIVE section!!

This case study breaks everything down on how I set up the site, the landing page, the heatmaps and visitor recordings, the tracking, the Quality Scores and PPC Bids, all ads and associated assets, ‘who’ my audience are and optimization of every aspect!

Plus there’s tons more in the SAS Bootstrap Method!

Remember; it’s just over 270 pages in total!!

Don’t worry, I’ve broken the chapters down into individual PDF’s as you’ve already seen above so you can easily access the section you need (plus I’ve also included the full PDF as one guide).

But don’t forget, there’s VIDEOS too. They’re silent as I don’t do talking on videos but they are there to aid what is explained (usually only a couple minutes long to avoid losing attention).

Above is a snippet of a video taken from within the SAS Bootstrap method demontrating the TOP 100 products within ShareASale and what to ‘look for’.

There are loads of these videos scattered throughout to help you understand what’s taught.

There’s NO OPTIN or Email Marketing in the case study.

Although I DO show you ‘how to set up’ email marketing along with TOOLS and the sytems I use – I don’t do it in The Case Study.

All results are WITHOUT an optin (even every screen capture shown here of my own earnings are without an optin).

The results are all just traffic and conversions (nothing special).

Ok, I will admit – I am a little lazy…

Email Marketing is always the LAST thing I do as it’s time consuming to do it right.

I’m more interested and excited about the thrill of the hunt!

You don’t ‘have to’ implement email marketing to make this system work. That doesn’t mean it won’t help as it usually DOES.

It’s just very detailed to teach properly and thereore not in the scope of this guide (I will be releasing a NEW Email Marketing guide at some point).

I know it’s tough for many getting started. 

It’s hard with all the ‘noise’ out there and people have limited budgets.

So I’ve kept what you need down to a minimum (tools etc).

Most of it you can get away with using free tools and WordPress. 

You will need to spend money on PPC Ads and possibly the Keyword Tracking tool (but it’s worth it and will pay for itself – but it’s also not required, that’s up to you).

I also don’t ask you to spend crazy amounts of money when starting. 

I give you tips to find coupons for Google Ads and also advise to start with a very low budget so you don’t get burned!

To learn from your stats and make improvements from there and slowly increase ad budget.

I’m on your side – I’m a real person that’s been doing this full time online since 2007 so I know what’s what and only give you honest advice.

I used to do a LOT of SEO back in the day.

There’s just too many obsticles in your way now to get a decent amount of traffic.

I’m not saying you won’t but:

Do you really want to work for months on something that may never make a sale?

Me neither – and that’s why everything NEW I do online is via PPC.

Well, this is the million dollar question…

This guide has taken me over a year to release! I started it late 2022 and only finshed it in January 2024.

All this time I’ve been successfully running offers on ShareASale.

This is why my IM lists don’t hear much from me. Because what I’m doing works and I don’t have to promote useless offers.

To be honest with you; once you learn what I show you in the ShareASale Bootstrap Method, there’s no reason why you won’t be successful online.

It’s all legit and above board and you won’t get banned from Google (I show you how to make a decent site to avoid this).

As promised earlier, here’s some more examples of some of my earnings:

The one BELOW is AFTER Christmas!

Who says everyone is spent up? 

Keep in mind; these earnings are for single merchant. I promote other merchants too (as well as make use of other affiliate networks).

ALL my sites have been manually reviewed by Google and passed (they often call me to try get me to ‘waste’ my money).

Yes, Google want you to activate things like Performance Max (aka: Smart Campaigns) that will just eat through your budget in hours! 

I show you how to setup your campaign to avoid this 😉

From experience with clients – this guide is worth at least 3 months of my mentoring (yes, I help others to succeed and have been helping them for years).

Don’t forget; you’re also getting the the added bonus of the FULL ‘Case Study’.

It’s a REAL case study, and all is revealed! 

Website, ads, keywords, tools, tracking… EVERYTHING (no catches, no upsells)!

Are you ready to learn how to generate sales like this as in the Case Study?

I show you from start to finish in the ShareASale Bootstrap method! Nothing is omitted and everything you need to know is in this 270 page + videos training!

Well, I’m not greedy and I want to help you succeed online.

NOT with the SAS Bootstrap Method…

But here’s NO hype here, and NO false promises.

If YOU follow each chapter of the training step-by-step you WILL succeed.

I can’t promise you’ll have a home run out the gate as that depends on factors out of anyone’s control, but you’ll have the formula that works.

The MORE you do it, the easier it’ll become and you’ll see great results (guaranteed)!

In fact I’m so confident that you’ll be happy with the SAS Bootstrap Method I’m giving you a 30-Day 100% money back guarantee through ClickBank.

So for a LAUNCH period (and because it’s my 50th birthday in March)…

It’s MY ‘Method, my system’. What I show has worked for years and will continue working!!

If you want to see results like these:

Then The ShareASale Bootstrap Method is for YOU!

The truth is; in a year’s time or so you’ll probably be in the same situation. Spinning your wheels still looking for that ‘magic bullet’ that’s gonna make everything right.

Sorry to break it to you but… It’s NOT gonna happen.

This is the way to make it online. You have to DO THE WORK. 

Sorry, but there’s NO ‘magic bullet’ that’s going to just skyrocket you to success.

Everything takes work, but once it’s up and running – you’ll be making BANK.

It’s up to you – this is your future, if you want to make things happen then it starts here with REAL information and education (that works!).

Grab a copy of The ShareASale Bootstrap Method NOW! You won’t regret it!!

PS: Did I tell you I’m lazy? 

Anyone that knows me knows I don’t like to ‘work’. This system enables me to work less and enjoy life more!

I don’t need sell ‘magic bullet’ IM products to wannabe marketers.

My marketing lists hardly ever hear from me because I don’t need to promote ‘the next best (crappy) thing’.

I have ‘my system’ – it works and once setup – it works 90% on autopilot!

Click here to get ShareASale Bootstrap Method – Mark Acutt's Online Marketing at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

ShareASale Bootstrap Method – Mark Acutt's Online Marketing is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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